Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014
I believe someone set up may as national month of smiles because their are too many people who don't smile. People do not smile enough, and it sometimes gets upsetting. No, I don't believe people actually celebrate national month of smiles. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Armed Forces day, and Ascension of the Lord all in May. This month I would like to celebrate National friend day, or something where you can do something for someone friends or family that mean something to you, and have been there for you through thick and thin. We should celebrate this because the people who actually do things for their friends don't get recognized like they should. We should make something for them like an actual project for them from that person. So they can show how thankful they are for having a great person in their life.
Monday, May 26, 2014
This week’s blog is topic of my choice, so I am going to
write about football. I can’t wait for
summer training and 2 a days to start. 2
a days is our conditioning in the summer when practices actually start. We always run a lot do a lot of core work as
well. It’s our chance to all work
together, motivate each other, and push each other to our limits. Without each other we would not have a
team. Team’s work together not
individually. Summer training is also
running but with a lot of weight lifting added into the mix. This is where we motivate each other even
more so we can get stronger, faster, and more mobile. We hope to do a lot better this season for
football. I can’t wait for the season to
start. Let’s see how good we can be this
Monday, May 5, 2014
Cinco de Mayo is the fifth of May, (obviously). Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of the Battle of Puebla. The holiday commemorates the Mexican Army's 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. Everyone can celebrate Cinco de Mayo it is a good day in Mexican history. If people really wanted to yes it could become a national holiday because it was one of the most remembered days in Mexican history. I don't know who decided no homework day I will be spending it doing homework.
Monday, March 17, 2014
If I saw a friend cheating I would confront them about it the first time. They should know cheating is bad and that they can get in big trouble for it. If they cheated another time I would tell their parents and have their parents talk to them about it. If it continued I would go to the principal and tell him about what is going on and how it needs to stop. Thats what I would do if I saw a friend cheating.
Monday, March 3, 2014
I don't feel like there should be a lot of testing our first 13 years, because honestly what are test going to tell us that our first 13 years? We haven't developed our brains fully. Most male brains fully develop at 29 and most female brains develop at 25. Education does rely on testing way too much there are more tests then there are homework and study time in class. Having no tests would be really bad because we won't know how well we are achieving in school. Standardized are not that bad it is just some teachers put stuff on their study guides that they don't put on the test. Like more than 70% of the study guide is not on the test so we don't even get to know what is on the test. There can be fair tests. Some people need tests that can be more simplified with the words. I am not doing that well on my tests but it should be okay soon. Some of them don't study and some don't know how to study.
Monday, February 24, 2014
The top four things that are most important to me are:
My best friend
Family is imoportant to me because without them I wouldn't have the support they give me to chase after my dreams. They support and encourage me to do what I want to do in life. School is important to me because without it I wouldn't have an education. Every job that is out there needs a high school diploma or higher. Without school no one would know what they are doing or talking about. Sports are important to me because that is how I express myself. Football helps me get my anger out and it is a sport I love to play. My best friend is important to me because she has always been there for me. She is the one I always go to if I need someone to talk to and we hang out a lot.
My best friend
Family is imoportant to me because without them I wouldn't have the support they give me to chase after my dreams. They support and encourage me to do what I want to do in life. School is important to me because without it I wouldn't have an education. Every job that is out there needs a high school diploma or higher. Without school no one would know what they are doing or talking about. Sports are important to me because that is how I express myself. Football helps me get my anger out and it is a sport I love to play. My best friend is important to me because she has always been there for me. She is the one I always go to if I need someone to talk to and we hang out a lot.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014
Charity Event
If I had an extra 100,000 dollars I would spend give it to people who do not have any clothes or things to keep them warm. It would be a good thing to give it to someone who has nothing warm to wear during the winter, and I would make sure they have something not to hot to wear during the summer. If they do not have any food, I would supply them with some food so they are not starving either. I would try and help out one person at a time to make sure they get what they need to survive.
Monday, February 3, 2014
I want out of here.
Right now I want to be at a beach. Going to a beach sounds a lot more fun than shoveling driveways and playing in the snow. This snow needs to go away so I can actually go outside and do something with my friends. A beach and the sand sound like a lot of fun for the week. Also being at a beach in the sun is a lot better than sitting outside in the cold waiting for the bus to pick you up to take you to the prison we call school.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
If I was an insect I would want to be a bee. I could sting people for protection and I would be able to collect my own honey. Everyone loves honey so I would be able to collect it for eating and saving. No one would be able to take it from me because they would collect their own. I would also sting the people that bully other people. It is pure karma.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Final Exam

Out of all the tools we have used in Exploring Technology I would say I would keep using Google Drive after i graduate from high school. I say Google Drive because it saves any information you have typed and you will never lose it unless you erase everything. Also because if you have a group project and you all have assigned parts and one person is the one putting it all together, you can share it with them and with other people so you can show them the work you have done for the project. I think i would be able to use this if I was on a business trip or I had a job that required me to do work from home with other people. I could also use this to help other people with their work if they needed help with anything. Google Drive shares information with other people in your email address. It allows you to share anything you want and give ideas on other peoples work if they have shared it with you. Out of all the tools, I would use Bloglines the least. I barely use it now when I created it. I will probably never use this again because it is too hard to keep up with and it just waist more time. I can go directly to the site myself quicker than I can through Bloglines.
Monday, January 13, 2014
My vacation was okay, but the last few days were really boring. I went to my friends one night and stayed there, then the next weekend my friend came to my house and stayed the night. It was really boring because we really didn't do anything. I got a couple games and some turtle beaches for my xbox 360, also i got one year of xbox live too. No i didn't go sledding but i really wanted to though. I did make one resolution to try and be a better person than last year. Yes I plan on keeping this resolution. The snow days were not great because i was sick pretty much the whole entire week so i sat at home doing absolutely nothing.
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