Monday, September 30, 2013

Sand Creek 2013 Homecoming Pep Assembly

Friday September 27, 2013 Sand Creek High School had their pep assembly for their homecoming game that night.  It was a lot of fun, and we did all types of games to get us pumped up for the friday night homecoming game.  The seniors played chicken in the hen house, the juniors played ships and sailors, sophomores did the shape game, and the freshmen did the counting game.  All the grades 7th-12th participated in tug-of-war.  The sophomores did well on the tug-of-war!  I played anchor and bear crawled with the rope tied around my waist, and it kind of hurt but it was worth the win.  I can't wait for next years homecoming it will be a lot better than this year, only because each pep assembly is better than the last.  My favorite part of homecoming was the tug-of-war game.  My least favorite part was watching the 8th grade cheer team it wasn't that great of a show but they tried their hardest.  I participated in tug-of-war and the shape game.  I would like to see either a dance battle or an epic rap battle teachers against each grade to see who would win.  The shirtless crew was great there were a lot of kids who painted up and they are one of the biggest parts of the game, they support the team no matter what happens.

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